Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sharon does it !

Sharon is my upline at Matrixreversal and she sent me this message through the downline mailer on that site. I am reproducing it here because it reflects one of the powerful ways in which randomised marketing can be applied !

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have joined Will's Rotatezit and am using it to promote all of my MatrixReversal downline URL's.

It was very easy to set up and IF you are serious about growing your MatrixReversal downline this is just one more way to help your advertising - get your rotatezit rotator and offer free advertising for your downline, like I am.

I have just set up two Solo ads that should be going out in the next 48 hours - I will be sending at least 3 Solo ads per week or more - each and every signup within my downline will be placed into my rotator.

Here is the link to my rotator:Click here
Clicking the link to her rotator should lead you randomly to one of Sharon's downlines in Reversalmatrix, including me and possibly herself


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Everyone!

    I am very pleased with this ad method so far. I have sent 5 solo ads (2 of which are still pending 'sent' status) this week and my downline has picked up 2 referrals, so far.

    My MatrixReversal downline is now at 23 members total, and yes, with my link included, this gives my rotator a total of 24 URL's rotating and counting - :)

    Click here to join Osunsanya's MatrixReversal downline and have your new MatrixReversal URL included!

    Special Thanks to Osunsanya for this post and his kind reply to my downline email. It has been a pleasure working with you, and we have only yet begun!


    p.s. I have sent two Solo ads out and set up several banners with your link only, at several exchanges - my special way of saying Thanks!

    You can view them here as I am advertising heavily @ Fireball Express - I can't believe the clicktrus we're getting with the Traffic Links and Banners there, way higher than any other Text Ad Exchange I am currently in - IF you're not in it yet - get a free pro account with free signup, but hurry, only the first 1000 members and they are going quick!

    p.p.s - sorry about the deleted post above, I made a booboo and couldn't find an edit choice, so I deleted and started over.

